Something that you need to understand about HubPages is they are very well monitored so you can't write a bunch of bad articles and start making money this way. Although this may be rather difficult to get started with it is the best thing for you because in the end only the well written articles will get traffic and make money and that is exactly where you want to be. The last thing I want to tell you before I get to the tips on making money creating hubs is you need to establish yourself in the HubPages community as a credible member and once you do that the other members will start to read what you write each time and many times they will click on the advertisements and sometimes buy the products that you are promoting.
Tips to make money creating hubs
Write daily - The first tip is very simple, you need to write new hubs daily. The reason why you need to write new hubs daily is so that there is always something new going into your bank of articles that way you will build up more and more articles to help you make money. This is where most people mess up, most people only write a few articles each week and that is just not enough to really see a difference in the amount you earn.
Pick affiliate products to promote - Although you can get paid just for the clicks that you get through the Google AdSense ads another way to make money is by promoting different affiliate products in the hubs themselves. The nice part about promoting different affiliate products is that you don't have to worry about barely making any money and the more you write the more money you will make. Something that most people tend to do is try to promote too many affiliate products but if you want to really make a good amount of money then you will put all your effort into one or two products.
If you want to make money quickly then you need to understand that you must have a home office and on top of that you need some decent home office chairs in order to get all your work done as efficiently as possible.
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